Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The GorGors

This post is long over due. I haven't had a chance to post anything, just been way to busy with classes and moving back to school and what not. Anyway, my senior studio/thesis class is going well. It's critique based, all the work for the class is done on our own time, and when we meet its all critiques, whether one-on-one with the professor, Raymond, or with the whole class. So I started the semester with 4 large drawings/paintings (combo of the two mostly). Then last night I was painting with watercolors a lionfish and jellyfish. I wasn't too happy with them and started doodling with pen onto my watercolor block and this is what I got. They're GorGors. I'll be working with them the rest of the semester, telling their stories and adventures. Enjoy.


Renee Kurilla said...

ha!!! So cute...you can do anything with these characters! Make sure to keep us all posted on what you're up to! We miss you too

Paul Reynolds said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Very original, sophisticated and quirky - I think you're well on your way to a great publishing career. Keep it up!

Krishna Chavda said...


I will keep posting as I create :)

I'm acutally really excited about it. More excited that the other project i had dreamed up last semester and over the summer!

Mili said...

Babes, thats so cute!! I love it. Shows how fast time flies huh. :)

Alka said...

Awesome, Nan! Baba and I loved these. I loved the name too. Keep it up!

Marli said...

Oh these are FUN!

Zibu said...

i LOVE the Gorgors! They really have the best expressions. Awesome. Can't wait to see more.

niyati said...

So Cute! Can these dudes walk or do they just slither?

Krishna Chavda said...

they slither.

Bob Flynn said...

Awesome. I like the one who dropped his wine and hunched over one with the cane. I'd love to know more about their story. What they do...where they come from...where they're going.