Thursday, January 15, 2009

Eustace Tilley

Every year (almost), The New Yorker has the Eustace Tilley competition. People submit their own versions of the New Yorker icon/character Eustace Tilley. He was created for and printed on the first cover of the magazine in 1925. The competition is judged on humor (50%), originality (25%), and execution (25%). The first image is the original and the second two are my versions that I submitted. I have so many ideas I hope to draw a few more but probably for next year's competition since the deadline for 2009 is tomorrow and I don't have a chance to do any more!

"Eustacia Titalley"

"Eustace Tilley and the Acid Rain Storm"


Bob Flynn said...

Fun, Krishna! I always find out about this too late. So cool that they open this up to everyone. I've seen submissions from previous years--always a lot of variety.

Krishna Chavda said...

thanks bob! i stumbled across the contest by accident. i was actually looking around to figure out how to submit cartoons/drawings. had tons of ideas but didnt have a chance to execute them all, so will submit them next year!