Monday, March 30, 2009

inspiration comes from strange places

I try to brush my hair over the sink so that any falling hairs get stuck there then i wipe the sink clean when I'm done and put the hair in the trash (not down the drain). A few days ago while I was swirling all the hair into a collection I thought the strands made fun shapes. So I drew some curvy, loopy lines and filled them in with watercolor, a kind of paint by number deal.

watercolor and pen on paper
5 x 5.5 inches


Jason Curtis said...

It's interesting where our creative idea's come from sometimes.

This is a fun piece. Me likey!

Krishna Chavda said...

sometimes i get my best ideas in the bathroom, usually while brushing my teeth or showering.

i think im going to do a few more of these hair-inspired pieces.

Jason Curtis said...

I think it's true with many artists, that the creative sparks tend to fly when we're not trying to be creative.

...maybe you should set up your drawing table in the bathroom!

Mike said...

oh oh oh this is so neat!

Amy Glass said...

please set up your drawing table in the bathroom!!!