Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Some doodles

The doodles in the first image were doodled on Continental Airlines on my flight back from Cleveland last week. The woman on the right was the airhostess, fortunately she wasn't moody looking for too long.

A few weeks ago, my nephew Pintu got one of those Little-Tykes cars thats about 3 feet tall and he can sit in it and ride it along like Fred Flintstone. Dennis, my brother in-law chaperones Pintu's regular spins to the park and one day I was turning off our street and saw them riding back home and thought it was a funny sight. Later on, Zibu (my sister) and I were talking about Dairy Queen and some how got talking on how ridiculous it would be if we could send Pintu to DQ to get us some soft serve. The picture below is the beginnings of a hopefully larger drawing. There are some issues with this preliminary how the awning is in the wrong place; it will all get sorted eventually and you'll be able to see the server's expression.

"two twists in cones, dipped in chocolate, to-go please"


Alka said...

make it three, please! ha ha so funny! loved it =)

Jason Curtis said...

Funny! Please post the finished piece when you complete it.

....hmmm, now I feel like ice cream.

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Ma and Jason! I actually haven't even started the final-ish version, its on my to-do list. When i do start/finish, ill definitely be posting it though.