Monday, August 10, 2009

Chris the Gorilla Goes on a Trip

Another gem I unearthed while packing. My sister and I worked on this story way back in the day when I was probably five or six, so around 1990-1991. I'm pretty sure we came up with the story together and I wrote it out (funnily enough, my handwriting hasn't changed as much as one would think since then). My sister drew and colored the cover page, and also some outlines for the first few pages which I colored in. The later pages look like I drew them myself. I vaguely remember finding it before my teens and adding the last page to the story.

It takes place in Mombasa, Kenya. I'm also quite certain that Chris is watching some Warner Brothers or Looney Toons cartoon on TV :D (Though, in those days in Tanzania and Kenya, there really weren't any TV channels, all the cartoons I watched were taped, so I basically know a few episodes of Sesame Street by heart but not the rest!)

A few things I particularly like:
-"bottle of sunburn lotion"
-"camere" - camera
-that there's an exhaust fan in the bathroom on the last page.
-the word I erased thinking it was incorrect, then rewrote it misspelled the second time! (I packed the book away and I can't remember the word).


Zibu said...


Check out the babester waiting behind him at the train station!

And Mr. Ticket Counter Worker - what a freak!

Now I'm going to chanj into my swim trunks...

Krishna Chavda said...

don't forget your sunburn lotion, tawel and camere. :D

Krishna Chavda said...

ps: the babe and the ticket seller are quite good! i also love the way chris is very gorilla like when you drew them...but some how morphs into something that looks a bit like a seal when i drew him!

Alka said...

this is too cute. i remember the cover drawing but the rest came as new to me! the bathroom looks so much like Upanga bathroom!