Wednesday, November 11, 2009

watercolor sketches

The closet corner of my room.

View into the living room from my desk in the bedroom. (its very out of proportion)

Standing in the kitchen doorway looking in.

I had bought a pocket size watercolor Moleskine sketch book some time ago. I did one doodle in it and didn't use it again, not sure why. I came across it the other day and was trying to decide what I want to put in it so it just sat on my desk for a while. Today, I was looking through my classmate Min's sketch book and really liked some of her line drawings of streets, buildings, interiors etc which she had drawn in pen then went back into it later with watercolor or pastel. I thought it was perfect idea for the mini Moleskine. So here are three quick ones I did today.


Alka said...

I loved them! reminded me of your detailed drawings of our flat in Upanga including Hamisi doing 'deki' and Asha in the kitchen!

Jason Curtis said...

Very nice! These types of observation pieces seem to work well in the mini Moleskin's. Keep it up, I'd love to see more.