Wednesday, December 02, 2009

WIP - Cars in Dar

A Work in Progress - WIP. Cityscape of Dar es Salaam with a few of the noticeable or well-known buildings such as the main Mosque in town, the Lutheran church, the peachy colored colonial buildings, high risers, and Exim Tower (the building with wings). The foreground which is nowhere near being finished is a mass of cars with all the windshields covered in stickers. In Tanzania, car registration/insurance and a bunch of other things need to be plastered to the windshield. There are so many square and circle stickers on everyone's cars it's a little ridiculous. If you have all of them on, they can take up to 6 inches of space from top to bottom corner of one side of the window.

My drawing is obviously an extreme. My dad keeps 2-3 on our cars and puts the rest in the glove compartment!

Anyway, this is one of the things I've been working on at home, hope to have it finished tomorrow. Need to get cracking on some sketching too.

1 comment:

Jason Curtis said...

Wow, that's nuts about the stickers...I would find that so annoying!

Nice lookin' piece here. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.