Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scratch board illustration

Rocky Raccoon
6 x 8 inches
Scratchboard - clayboard and India ink

The first project for my Illustration Techniques 2 class is a scratchboard illustration based on song lyrics of our choice.

Scratch board technique requires the use of scratch tools, quill pens, and permanent black india ink on clayboard. The final image is in black and white. You either lay the blacks down and scratch away to reveal the white, or you leave areas white and pen/brush-in black.

I chose "Rocky Raccoon" by The Beatles. The picture below is about 50% done, I blocked out the blacks and whites, keeping it ready for scratching.

This is a picture of it about 80% done, with some cross hatching, I need to figure out a way of dealing with the white corner at the top right so its not so white in comparison to the rest of the image. In the prelims the white looked fine, but now I'm not so sure.


Jason Curtis said...

This is so cool. Man, I'd love to try this technique myself...although I know nothing at all about it.

Great stuff.

Krishna Chavda said...

hey jason,
its actually not as hard as i thought it would be. i'm going to redo this one for class since there are a few things wrong with this one. it was fun making it, some what meditative with all the repetitive line making.

Jason Curtis said...

I think I'd quite enjoy the process...I may have to do a bit of homework on it.

Unknown said...

I dig your woodgrain :D