Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2011 Hilton Head International Young Artists Piano Competition

Hilton Head International Youth Artists Piano Competition
February 2010

For our third assignment in Computer Illustration we had to create a book cover or make a poster for the 2011 Hilton Head International Young Artists Piano Competition. The guidelines were to illustrate the cover/poster using digital collage and create and use at least three of our own digital brushes. We could scan in drawings, textures, hand-written text, etc and combine it all in Photoshop. I had a hard time getting started, bounced many cover ideas back and forth for about three class periods and a number of hours outside. Eventually I decided that the poster might work better. But I was having issues with that too. However, after many, MANY hours working on the piece, it's finally finished, along with my sanity. I hope it looks ok - the text/typeface is what caused the most grief for me. Good thing I'm not a graphic designer.

1 comment:

jazzlamb said...

Looks really cool. I love the warped perspective! Brings in a 'fun' element to the sophisticated instrument. And the text looks just fine!