Wednesday, February 17, 2010

sketches and color comps for gouache project

Three black and white comps for the gouache project for Techniques 2. We had to illustrate Noah's Ark in an unusual/unfamiliar way. The first one is a cross section type image with all the animals leaning on each other. They would have a "oh boy..when will this be over" look on their faces. The second is Noah and his specimen collection. And finally, the one I will be drawing in the final shows hanging out in his cabin in the ark after the rains stopped, and the earth dried. The sacrificed animals got taxidermied and hung on the walls. Noah's not as good as they say :D

I did these color comps in Photoshop because I was pressed for time. Ideally, I would have done them in gouache.

1 comment:

Alka said...

Awesome, Nan! all of them are great.