Tuesday, March 09, 2010


3D Illustration - fabric, Paperclay, wire, gesso, acrylic, gouache, wood

For our final projects in Illustration Techniques II we got to choose from the assignments we all wrote earlier this quarter.  I decided to do Jeff's 3D illustration assignment which expanded on last quarter's project to make a musician (to be eventually used on in Rolling Stone Magazine).  Jeff's project wasn't limited to musicians but I decided to continue with The Beatles and make Ringo playing the drums.  This assignment not only required me to build models but also to photograph them to create a scene/mood.

During the Ringo Photoshoot, I also included John.


 In Giant-World:

Some photos that didn't quite make the cut:


Jason Curtis said...

Wow, these look incredible! Nice work.

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Jason!! It was actually a ton of fun to make, though at some point I felt there was no end in sight. The photoshoot outdoors was even more fun!