Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Experiements with ink

I was curious to see how compressed air and ink would look on different surfaces. The previous post, Ink + Compressed Air = , was on coldpress water color paper and the ink just glided along and didn't absorb quickly. Last night I tried out canvas board and rough watercolor paper. The rough paper absorbed the ink so fast that the air really only gave the edges a softer edge, no hard line. Ink on the canvas board spread around easily, similar to the coldpress paper, except that there's the texture of the board.

The paper had its own texture too like the canvas board. I particularly like the feeler/arms of the big central fish. And the expression of the fish at the very top right corner.

Creatures of the Deep
ink, watercolor and pen on paper
7 x 10 inches

I also did a bit of layering with the canvas board. First laid down some ink, then went over some parts of it with acrylic paint, and went back in with ink again. The piddly little limbs crack me up.

And He Waved His Arms Angrily
ink and acrylic on canvas board
12 x 9 inches


Jason Curtis said...

Me likey very much!

Beautiful work. I absolutely love "And He Waved His Arms Angrily". It looks like he's desperately trying to appear menacing, but those meager little arms of his are hilarious!

Maybe that's why he's so angry...all the other black blobs would make fun of him while he was growing up, now he's full of rage and unresolved issues.

....or perhaps he's just pissed because he can't scratch his nose?

Chris Houghton said...

Hi Krishna! Thanks for the nice comment. Really fun blog here! I especially like these ink experiments. These are some FUN monsters! Keep it up!

Amy Glass said...

hehehe...nice title

is totally you and reminds me that i miss you terribly =(