Wednesday, March 25, 2009

two things

1. I wish the air in my room werent so stickyhothumidstuffythickgloopy cause it's making me feel stickyhothumidstuffythickgloopy not to mention sweaty.

2. There's not enough time in the day for me to execute the ideas in my head. It probably is a time management thing...the good cartoons only play at random times in the afternoon and when they're on I feel like watching them and soak in as much of them as possible before coming back to the US where I don't have cableTV. Then there's the issue of I seem to only get my juices really flowing at 10pm. It is now 1:09am and I just want to go downstairs to the kitchen store and do a sketch for my next idea...but who knows how long that will take...I propose 5 minutes- it ends up being an hour. Then strikes the second wind and it's all down hill from there especially when you have a mother prefers you not to sleep in.

1 comment:

Jason Curtis said...

I'm always full of idea's, and I too feel that sometimes there just isn't enough time in any given day. My wife and I had our first baby 9 months ago and that dramatically reduced the amount of time I have for my creative pursuits, so for me, it's all about being efficient with the time I have (whether it's 10 minutes or an hour).

Maybe you need to set limits. Give yourself one hour for example, and focus all of your creative energy during that time period, without any distractions.

Good luck!