Monday, April 06, 2009

Introducing: The Brand New Degloopifier

Some few weeks ago, it was sweltering hot and humid. I felt like my desk was in a sauna except that it didn't feel good and relaxing. It was just a still muggy night that makes one feel like even blinking results in sweating profusely. I had changed my Facebook status to something like "Krishna Chavda wishes it weren't so stickyhothumidstuffythickgloopy" and my aunt asked through a comment whether or not i owned a manually operated degloopifier. I told her the store ran out when I went to go buy one. Needless to say, the conversation sparked some creative ridiculousness.

The Degloopifier
Pen, watercolor
10.5 x 14 inches

After I made the image, I thought it would be funny as an ad with an infommercialy tone - which for some reason came to me as a poem.

If you can't read it on the image:
Do you ever feel steamy and wet like soup?
Does your skin every feel like gloopitygloop?
If you wish to be seen
with a body so clean,
then be a proud buyer
of the Degloopifier.
Its powerful hose
will degloop your clothes!


Jason Curtis said...

Hahaa! The Degloopifier...great concept and illustration. Plus, the poem is very well done., where can I get one of these things?

Krishna Chavda said...

Thank Jason! Accessories are coming soon too, so keep an eye out!

Hopefully available on Amazon at some point in the future :D

Peter H. Reynolds said...

Lovely! Quirky! Fun!

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Peter! I think i have some more ideas up my sleeves for other infomercial kind of items!