Monday, April 06, 2009

Moleskine Sketches - new and old

Today is my last day at my internship at A Y&R, which means, limited access to internet (to a certain degree...just cant upload pictures very often cause it eats up our quota of bytes in a second). Which means the next quality post won't be until I get back to the States on the 17th. I thought I would put up some sketches (old and new) from the Moleskine pocket sketchbook I just finished! I got the book Feb 2008, and since I have so many sketchbooks, it takes a while for me to finish any given one cause I keep rotating depending on my mood!

All images done in pen.

the one above and below: realized i drew ears the way Jason Curtis draws them!

below right: the limby guys were the original balldudes from my earlier post

below: there area few foot-creatures, see if you can find them!

Below right: on saturday, my family went to my uncle's for dinner. After dinner we were hanging out, I doodled, my sister knitted, the adults talked, my nephew fell asleep. At some point I over heard the phrase "zigzag businesses".

Girl sitting on ground at Fern Fest at Drew Univ. in April 2008

my friend Amy and I were talking about different ways to make a projectile chicken.

my friend Mili, though Mili doesn't look like an old hag in real life.


Jason Curtis said...

Exploding chicken #2 is my fav.

Thanks for the peek inside your sketchbook!

Amy Glass said...

I totally still have chicken #1!

Krishna Chavda said...

oh yeah! i forgot i made you the original chicken #1.

Unknown said...

Fun sketches!

Renee Kurilla said...

AHHH These are AWESOME Krishna...sometimes sketches are way more fun because it's totally loose.

I've been neglecting my sketchbook lately... I need to get back into it.

Kacey said...

Haha the chicken ones are hilarious:) Your ink monsters are great as well! Look forward to seeing more of your work!