Wednesday, April 01, 2009

stuff from some time ago

Here are two pieces I drew in December. The second one may or may not be finished, I might go in and work it with some charcoal, but for now it's "complete". (The two images I've put in this post were taken on my carpet cause I didn't have a scanner hooked to my computer, in case you were wondering why there's ugly carpet in the background)

I can't remember what was going through my head when I started the first one (the one with blue) but it was kind of relaxing drawing weird circular-ish shapes and doing the shading with charcoal. I added the wash when I thought the black was too much. I haven't figured out if i want it oriented the way it is in the photo. The second piece piggybacks on the first, I guess I made it look more like something rather than hinting at the nature/ground/woods theme.

1 comment:

Jason Curtis said...

I really love the second piece!