Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Marsh of Rot

gouache, watercolor on illustration board
13.5 x 13.5 inches


Renee Kurilla said...

This is awesomely creepy! I think you got something going here with that guache/watercolor combo :) Looks great!

Krishna Chavda said...

thanks! im glad it came out the way it did, i definitely did not sleep last night. it was one of those where i was so stuck with getting a right composition that it took me until midnight to sort it out!! then 6 hours to paint it. and submit it at 8am! and the crit went well!

Is gouache chalky sometimes? or is it just that i have the cheap stuff? :D

Jason Curtis said...

Girl, you can paint! This looks great.

...I do feel a bit bad for Mr. Fishy though.

Krishna Chavda said...

haha, thanks Jason! I feel bad for him too.

Amy Glass said...

gouche is chalky...yes. try not to get it wet after you've put it down, that makes it worse