Monday, November 02, 2009

The Pied Piper of Manhattan

The Pied Piper of Manhattan
soft pastel undercoat with colored pencil on canson pastel paper
18x24 inches

This is project 3 for my Illustration Techniques 1 class. We were all randomly assigned a fairy tale which we were supposed to depict in our own way. My fairy tale: The Pied Piper of Hamlin. I thought New York City would be a perfect setting for a modern take on the tale!

soft pastel base color.

The final sketch.

On a semi-unrelated note, my last two projects for this class (this one and Marsh of Rot) both have tons of perspective. I was pretty mad after the prof told me his thoughts during the midterm review a few weeks ago. So, as "revenge" or as "I can draw in perspective so take that", I made my Marsh of Rot have perspective and did the same for this project. I think the perspective has changed the way my work looks, it's not as quirky and loose but it still retains bits of that style. It's different from my usual, but I quite like it. I still don't agree with my prof's comments but that's another story.


Jason Curtis said...

Wow Krishna, this looks amazing. There's so much freakin' detail in this piece, I can't even imagine how long it took you to do this.

I'm impressed!

I can't wait to see the final.

Alka said...

I love it! I love those rats in their different movements and expressions. GREAT, Nan.

Krishna Chavda said...

thanks Jason and Mamma.

Jason Curtis said...

The final looks great.