Monday, August 10, 2009


When I studied abroad in Florence in 2007, I took a photography class. My final project was taking night pictures of the amusement park section of the big Cascine Park. I used a super slow Rollei Pan 25 ISO film so the prints are virtually grain-free, but the slowness meant I had to go around with a tripod - which came in handy in case i needed to beat off some drunks in the park (almost happened).

Instead of printing on regular photo paper, I printed on lithfilm - it gave the prints a more eerie feel - the blacks were really black and when backlit the images glowed. I had planned to make light boxes for each of the prints but never got around to it, plus I don't have space for storing 15 of them!

Anyway, so while I was packing up some stuff from Italy, I found an envelope of my test strips for the project. I was about to toss them when I started putting the different pieces together and came up with the image above. One eye belongs to a bull, the other to a merry-go-round tryceratops, and rest of the face is a caterpillar coming out of a flower. I taped the pieces together onto a piece of paper and held it up against my window to take the photo.

The eyes are particularly creepy, I hope I don't ever meet somone who resembles this guy.

Materials: lithfilm, Rollei Pan 25


Jason Curtis said...

Oh this is great!

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Jason! Oh by the way, I took a look at your website and loved your photography!

matt dawson said...

AAARGH...great...will give me the screaming heeby jeebies tonight... but really great. Good to have the back story on it's evolution and nice to hear it was a spur of the moment creation. It's good to be surprised by your own work sometimes. Love the variety of styles and content on your blog...will bookmark for sure. Thanks so much for the kind feedback on my little efforts...really appreciate it...good to know I'm not just pleasing myself, you being to wonder sometimes :)

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Matt for your thoughts! I've tried to stick to one or two styles but found that I like having all the different looks, and sometimes they all come together really well!

Hope you sleep well and are not too heebyjeebied. :D

Jason Curtis said...

Thanks for checking out my photography!