Thursday, August 06, 2009

Shark week hoo-ha-ha

I got my wisdom teeth removed on July 28th so the past 10 days have revolved around my teeth and how my face is feeling etc, and having to give full detailed updates to my mom on my mandible status. At some point I started thinking up scenarios involving different animals at the dentist's office. I read some where that its Shark Week on the Discovery Channel so my mind wandered over to sharks and their many teeth; also saw Renee's blog update which inspired me to actually draw my idea despite all the packing I need to do!

I sketched the drawing first, photographed it, and colored it in Photoshop.

ps: the title of this post comes from Finding Nemo when Nemo is getting initiated in the fish tank, and the other fish chant/yell "shark bait hoo-ha-ha".


Jason Curtis said...

Very clever idea!

I love the dentist's chair, and all the other undersea details you've included. Great colour too.

...I just hope the dentist keeps his distance from the shark when he gets the bill.

Renee Kurilla said...

Don't you LOVE when you get an idea and have other stuff to do but you end up working on art stuff anyway!?? haha I'm in the same boat. (NO PUN intended)

This really is just hilarious! It's so funny to see a shark in such a compromising position.

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks for your comments!

Jason - the dentist is one of those deep sea fish with the scary ice-pick teeth, so I think he'll be ok.

Renee - it's the best and the worst thing ever! I usually end up not doing what i need to do and stay up very late to finish the drawing!

Kacey said...

I know i'm late commenting on this post but it made me laugh so I had to. I agree its very clever how you used the coral for the chair and I love the fish species you chose to be the dentist, a perfect fit!

Ezhilan said...

Great fun Idea.I like this drawing.