Thursday, April 01, 2010

I want to break freeee.

Sketches and studies of Freddie Mercury for the celebrities project in Illustration Markets. 

I'm really liking this quarter so far.  I'm taking two illustration classes and one fibers class (elective).  And my two illu profs, Kurt Vargo and Megan Berkheiser, are super awesome.  They know so much about the industry and have so many stories to tell.  They're also encouraging me (and other students) to work in a manner we feel most comfortable.  Since I love drawing with my pen, they both want me to continue doing that and will help me develop more line-vocabulary to incorporate into my work to make it more interesting.  It's a great feeling knowing that my final piece will pretty much have the same feel/quality/mood as my sketches - something that wasn't necessarily translating through before.

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