Sunday, May 23, 2010

On Location - Roundhouse Railroad Museum - May 11-12

The ticket for the RR Museum is valid for 3 days.  My friend, bri, who is also in the class, and I went back to ride the train since we missed the times the original day of visit.  The train ride was really not worth it.  We were told it goes beyond the museum to places inaccessible by foot, we literally rode 100 feet in one direction, came back to the roundabout and went 100 feet in another direction to the warehouse they're converting into Savannah's first children's museum.  After the "ride" we walked around and hung out in the workshop/blacksmith area to draw all the equipment.

Pen, ink and watercolor in Moleskine Watercolor folio book
12 x 8.5 inches

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