Sunday, August 14, 2011

Zanaki Street

My family and I went to the sokoni (Kiswahili for "market") on Zanaki street today.  While Baba was out buying enough fruits to feed a platoon, I sat in the car and drew what I saw from the window.  These were the two vendors right across the street from where we were parked.


Zibu said...

NICE! I LOVE the squatting guy. You've captured his pose perfectly. :)

now please send me some of the excess fruit.

ak said...

This is pretty cool Krishna! I hope you do more illustrations of Dar, especially of street business. Lotta childrens' stories there.

Rasesh-Mallika said...

It must be instantaneous as you described the limited time you had, though it is so THERE, looks so real as if I am also watching it thru your car window. The color and BW combination is fun to see too. Keep it up as always what you do is always COOL.