Sunday, October 23, 2011

Edibles in London

Update Oct 24: Edibles in London was accepted to the They Draw & Travel website!

I recently traveled Europe for seven weeks.  The places I went to were: London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow, and Warsaw.   I also traveled all over Spain, visiting Madrid, Segovia, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Pamplona, Barcelona, Ibiza, Granada, Sevilla via Gibraltar, Cordoba and Toledo.

As I traveled, I drew.  I filled about three sketchbooks.  I wondered what I could do with the drawings; maps or a city/county guide-pamphlet would be fun to make.  The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to make maps.  Then, very conveniently, when I got back to Tanzania I came across a website called They Draw & Travel.  It was started by a brother-sister design-illustration team based in Western Massachusetts.  People are free to submit illustrated maps of places they have lived in, visited, or want to visit.  A few of my friends, Tatiana and Blythe had submitted maps, so I thought submitting a map to TDAT would be a great place to start my cartography project!

Edibles in London highlights a few of the places where I had some tasty food.  I wish I had more time to try out some more foods at Borough Market.


Alka said...

Brilliant! keep traveling and drawing!

Zibu said...

We LOVE it! Pintu couldn't take his eyes off it!