Monday, September 28, 2009

Reductive Lino print

This is my first post as a graduate student! The assignment for my Illustration Techniques class was a double self portrait, one portrait shown as how my friend would see me, and the other the way through the eyes of an enemy/stranger. After much agonizing over my original idea, I came up with my final idea. So this is the cool me (drinking champagne straight from the bottle) and the awkward me (me as one of maybe 6 people in Savannah who wears a bike helmet and gets weird looks).

The project required us to use the reductive lino printing method or the gouache-india ink method that yield similar results as the reductive printing. Basically, I had my lino block and carved away everything I wanted to be left white, then inked and printed the first color, blue. Then I carved away everything I wanted to remain blue, inked and printed the second color - green. Repeated the process until all I had left to print were the black outlines.

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