Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Hypnotic Brass Ensemble

Poster design for Concept & Composition class. We could pick any topic as long as it fell into the following categories: social or political concern, educational, theater, or music related. I had a bunch of ideas running through my head, but the one with most potential was for a band. The band is Hypnotic Brass Ensemble. If you haven't heard them, you're missing out. Go to Youtube and look up their songs! "Baliky Bon" and "Sankofa" are two of my favourites.

Their music has so much energy and I wanted to portray that. The instruments burst out at the viewer, and, hopefully, the varying sizes of the instruments' bells illustrate the dynamic quality of HBE's music.

The professor and other students kept making comments during the critique about how I might want to experiment with adjusting colors and switching one color for another etc, then I realized they thought the work was digital! When I pointed out it was traditional, they were all pretty stunned, and took a closer look!

I did the thumbnails by hand, the prelims (grayscale and color) in Photoshop and the final version with gouache and pen on cold press watercolor paper.

Gouache and pen on coldpress watercolor paper
original: 9 x 6.5 inches
reproduction size: 18 x 13


Unknown said...

nice- check out www.HypnoticBrassFilm.com

documentary coming 2010

Krishna Chavda said...

I saw the trailer/excerpt last week while on their website! I'm excited. Thanks for stopping by.