Saturday, December 05, 2009

Cars in Dar

It's done!

A cityscape of Dar es Salaam with a few of the noticeable or well-known buildings such as the main Mosque in town, the Lutheran church, the ugly peach colored (what was wrong with white?) colonial buildings, high risers, and the winged Exim Tower. The cars with all the windshields covered in stickers are an extreme but it's not unusual! In Tanzania, car registration/insurance and a bunch of other things need to be plastered to the windshield. There are so many square and circle stickers on everyone's cars it's a little ridiculous. If you have all of them on, they can take up to 6 inches of space from top to bottom corner of one side of the window. I also used the old number plate system with the TZ followed by the plate number. It was a cool system, you could see which were the newer cars by the larger numbers. Eventually they added letters onto the TZ in alphabetical order. So if a TZB came out, you knew it was a newly purchased car. Now the number looks random like it does in the States.

Click here for the WIP post.


Jason Curtis said...

Nice job.

I love the drivers peeking through the wallpaper of stickers on the windshields.

Krishna Chavda said...

Thanks Jason!!! The peering through the stickers is one of my favourite parts too! It was a fun project, I was a bit unenthusiastic about it after i first started painting it, but I quite like it now.

Neilay Shah said...

Very cool.