Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Noah's Arkives

Noah's Ark
Gouache on illustration board
12 x 18 inches

It's finally finished! I think this is the first time in a VERY long time that I finished a piece for class without pulling an all nighter! It's so exciting. It not even 11pm! I still have to mat it for critique tomorrow but that shouldn't take too long. Every time I use gouache, I like it more and more. It's so buttery and bright. I had fun making textures in this painting; used a sponge to put a little grain in the wood wall panels. I was expecting it to be some what difficult to maintain the sketchy look I had going in the comps but I think it worked out pretty well in the final!! Not too sketchy, not too refined.

Related posts:
Final Color comp

Work in progress photos:

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